5-6 days before someone sent me this logo,

Client asked me - is this logo beneficial for my business? I said no then he asked me why? He said logo design is attractive!! Why is it not beneficial for my business? I said, design is good but in Feng Shui Car represents water element and Company name represents Fire element. What happens if water overflows, it negatively impacts other elements.
So in this case, Company name is under the car which eventually signifies that the water element is over the Fire element and it will negatively impact business/profit/fame.
It negatively affects business profits. Then my client sent me a second logo.
In this image I see business names and products or services are separated by car so this is also not good.
After two days he sent me a new logo which is ok because the car is in proper position and company name is up but it is small and logo is big means name is so good but profit is less.

So now I suggested mentioning the company name in a bigger font. Now he is sending me again a logo which is excellent because of its crate balance between logo and name which is beneficial to my clients and his business gives fame and prosperity.
I share with you one more experience one of my clients office signage all are excellent name logo work quality and selling all are going excellent after positioning board on office then all things are suddenly blocked. I checked his office energy…
What’s wrong, why does this happen? I couldn’t find anything wrong. I tried again and again but I could not find the root cause why this happened before placing the board. All are going excellent. He works like a machine and suddenly everything is blocked.
One day I passed through that office and I saw the signage and got a click in my mind...
The office entry is WEST which represents creativity and profits and the signage shape is like a MOUNTAIN.

Now Mountain blocks creativity and profits so I immediately meet my client and explain these changes after changing corrections within two days everything became alright.
“Image precedes matter”, Walt Disney.