Fengshui Astrology profile is based on life star analysis. As you would've guessed, there are 9 numbers - 9 archetypes of symbols in Fengshui Life Star Analysis. A Life Star Astrology chart gives you an insight into your personality, character, relationships, careers and more.
The first step to learning more about yourself is to identify your life star number. In Chinese calendar the first day of the year is 4th February, the Solar New Year.
If your date of birth is between January 1 and February 3, your life star is the preceding year. For example, a person with a date of birth on January 13, 1996, will have a 1995 year of birth according to the life star.
Refer to the chart attached below to identify your life star.
Your life star analysis will help you in understanding yourself better. Read more about yourself here - Life Star Profiles.