When things are not going your way or you are continuously facing obstacles or missing opportunities or losing money or facing accidents or even facing a lot of losses in electronic appliances - these are all signs of bad luck.

How to enhance positive energy in your home?
Place healthy plants in the east, south and southeast location of your home.
Remove clutter from your home.
Remove clutter from your bedroom and open the window between 7 am to 3 pm so your bedroom fills with positive energy from the sun.
Make all lights and electric appliances in working condition
Remove clutter from bed storage
Use red pink yellow fresh flowers in your living room
Avoid following things during your bad luck period
Avoid risky investment
Avoid taking short cuts
Follow the laws and rules
Don’t skip any documentation or procedures
Avoid changing job frequently
Avoid arguing with authority or powerful people
With my Feng shui consultation, I help people and businesses to take the right action at the right time which enhances personal and property luck which gives more than 60% growth in health, wealth, relationships and more with simple remedies. Write to me at chiconsultant910@gmail.com to connect with me for Feng Shui Consultation.